
On May 15, 2019, the Bureau of Indian Affairs counted the ballots for the Secretarial Election for the proposed amendment to the Tribal Constitution to allow all Tribal Members 18 years of age or older, regardless of residency, to vote in Tribal Elections. A total of 75 ballots were cast, with 41 ballots voting in favor of the amendment; 32 ballots voting against the amendment; and 1 spoiled ballot.

Any person who was listed on the Eligible Voter List and who submitted a voter registration form for the Secretarial Election may challenge the results of the Secretarial Election. The written challenge, with substantiating evidence, must be received by the BIA at the Truxton Canon Agency in Valentine, Arizona, or at the Paiute Agency in St. George, Utah, on or before the close of business on Monday, May 20, 2019.

The results of the Secretarial Election were certified by the BIA, but still must be sent to the Regional Director of the BIA Western Region for final approval. Pending the outcome of any challenges, the final approval which would make the amendment effective as an amendment to the Tribal Constitution is expected on or before June 30, 2019.

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